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Room temperature controller with LC-display - blue/green LED
Room temperature controller with LC-display - blue/green LED

Part Number: EK-EP2-TP
Price on application

Description technical Spec
Room temperature controller with LC-display - blue/green LED
• Temperature measuring through integrated sensor with possibility of sending the value on the bus
• 2-point (on/off) or proportional (PWM or continuous) room temperature regulation
• Ventilation control with continuous or 3-speed regulation
• Seasonal modes: heating and cooling with possibility of local or via bus seasonal changeover
• Operating modes: comfort, standby, economy and building protection with different setpoint for heating and cooling
• Manual or automatic control of fan-coil units with 2 or 4-pipes hydraulic distribution
• Automatic switching of the operating modes depending on presence or window opening • Weighted average of two temperature values
• Temperature displaying (measured, setpoint and outdoor values as °C or °F), alarms and errors (with alphanumeric coding)
• Floor temperature limitation and antincondensation (for radiant panels)
• Antistratification function
• Automatic switching between operating modes through card holder contact
• Delayed start of a fan (“hot-start”) with time-scheduling or depending on the water temperature measured at the coil for thermal exchange
• Window opening reporting

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